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Il Mio Reds

Yann Hoiret

Messaggi raccomandati

Hello Yann, your discus are very round and clean, I'm not a fan of red but they just beautiful to behold. :goodjob:


continues to write and post we will try to keep your pace. :pic:


see you soon, bye

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Ok, Yann...God knows how many times you had cograts world-wide, for the first strain, closer to a solid red, that it's still a dream. I'm starting from the wild forms (Cuipeuà and Alenquer) to reach something that goes through a striped, perhaps, or a solid. Up to the nature.

Did you start from Red Melon? The second above looks ready to spawn, btw. Check the darkish edge of the anal fin.

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Hello! :039:


Thanks for your comments!


I like all the red lineage... and wild ones are particularly beautiful! do you send pictures of them on the forum?


I start with blue discus (the first i have when i had 13 year old) and after, i had some marlboro. Then i decided to only have reds.


The first pair that give me red melon some year ago :





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Wow...I bet you spend lot of your free time for the care of the tanks, fries, and pairs.

This is some of my new arrivals, even if I've been starting collecting them since the 1st of february (if you go behind on the same topic).

It will be very difficult, although I have also a stunning pair of Red Turquoise from Piwowarsky facility (the strain closer to Schmidt-focke original ones), and three individuals Blue Diamond from Tan facility.

I point all on the wild forms, BTW.

Very very beautiful job, my friend, really!!!

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Hey !!! those wilds are beautiful ! and i like the turquoise pair ! M.Piwowarski have definitly beautiful turquoise...

And i think your blue from Tony should be interesting too!

Did you see the vidéo i put on my facebook blog some time ago? from a corean breeder (Amazones reds); if you like red wilds...

best regards


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