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Composizione Del Muco Parentale.


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Spero che sia una novità o meglio spero che nn sia il solito articolo apparso 6 mld di volte.


Results of studies conducted in 2004 and 2005 have finally answered the question of what is in discus "slime coat" which the fry feed upon. Mass spectrometry, protein analysis by Bradford assay, free amino acid analysis by chemical testing and finally Electrophoresis was used to identify the proteins, amino acids and peptides in parent discus mucus during fry feeding and cross compared those findings to juvenile discus mucus. All samples were taken by "skin scraping" from the bodies of the test subjects and the ventral area was avoided in all test subjects to eliminate contamination of results by urine.


Fry were in three groups: fry fed only parent fish mucus, those fed with Artemia napulii and tested 1 hour later, those fed Artemia and tested 3 hours later. The interesting thing is that it was found that all fry reduced feeding ( bites of mucus were monitored in a 30 second period ) by day 15 of free swimming. For the fry fed Artemia bite / feeding rates decreased during the 1 hour after eating Artemia... but by 3 hours after Artemia feeding... bites of mucus slowly increased but by day 15 free swimming the bite rate ( number of bites of parent mucus in 30 second periods ) for all 3 groups stayed very low until day 30 of free swimming when the bite rate dropped under 1 bite every 30 seconds.


Parent discus epidermal mucus from females feeding fry of day 10 to 15 free swimming age was compared to non parenting discus of 5 to 6 months age. Parent fish were between 600 grams and 700 grams body weight and juvenile discus were 350 g to 400 g body weight. Individual comparisons might vary due to body mass and production of mucus but as a group compared to another group the body weight "control" allowed uniform group results.1


These results were that parent discus slime coat ( epidermal mucus ) contains a higher amount of overall protein and specifically a much higher amount of Phenylalanine, an "essential amino acid" while juvenile discus mucus contains higher levels of Alanine, Aspartic acid, Glycine, Proline, Serine, and Leucine. Both parent and juvenile discus had high levels of the essential amino acids Isoleucine and Lysine in their mucus ( Chong, et all, 2005 )1. Spectrometry analysis showed that the parent discus mucus showed matching peptides to a trout ( Oncorhynchus mykiss ) mucus protein named type II epidermal keratin. This is a "structure building" protein and regulates skin growth.1


Fish epidermal mucus in general contains water, lipids, amino acids, secretory proteins, glycoproteins, sloughed skin cells and bacteria ( Shephard, 1994 )2. Parental discus mucus contained point 74 mg of protein per ml of mucus while juvenile discus mucus contained point 63 mg protein per ml of mucus1. The list of "free" amino acids ( amino acids not part of larger protein molecules ) found in discus mucus : ( both juvenile and parent fish ) Alanine, Aspartic acid, Cystine, Glutamic acid, Glycine, Proline, Serine, Tyrosine, and the Essential amino acids; Arginine, Histidine, Isoleucine, Leucine, Lysine, Methionine, Phenylalanine, Threonine, Tryptophan and Valine.1 Free amino acids are building blocks for more complex "proteins", but the important part for us discus fanatics is that "free" amino acids are thought to be a food source for discus fry for the first 15 days the fry are free swimming while the digestive enzymes of fry are developing from day 5 free swimming.3 The main findings of this earlier study was that discus fry should be fed Artemia as the non parent mucus food until 20 - 25 days after hatching as they can not digest foods other than parent mucus and Artemia until that time and most probably need the free amino acids in parent mucus as food until their digestive enzymes develop more fully by day 10 free swimming3 After 20 - 25 days free swimming the fry have digestive enzymes that are acid based and are thus able to digest foods other than Artemia and parent mucus.3 This would match up with "hobby lore" regarding discus fry eating and surviving on meat mixes and crushed flake and pellet foods usually fed to juvenile and adult discus.


Using the list of free amino acids some experimentation with unsweetened, unflavored gelatin and amino acids might offer us an alternative to egg yolk feeding of fry raised away from the parents. On going studies on parent mucus and discus mucus in general should give us detailed information on what is included in discus mucus beside the protein and protein precursors.3

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    • Gio79
      Mi chiamo Giovanna e vivo a Udine, da un pò di anni mi sono appassionata al mondo degli acquari. Dopo le prime esperienze "basic" mi sono innamorata del mondo degli Oranda, più precisamente dei Shogun e testa di leone. E' stata una bella scuola per quanto riguarda ogni forma di malattia......attualmente ne possiedo otto, in salute, di circa 14 cm in un acquario dedicato unicamente a loro. Da settembre dell'anno scorso ho deciso di lanciarmi in una seconda sfida, Discus. Attualmente possiedo sei Stendker di taglia 12-14 cm. La maggiore difficoltà è stata quella di entrare in simbiosi con il loro carattere e timidezza (nettamente opposta agli oranda). Ho fatto buoni progressi .. spero di continuare così 🙂! Chiedo il vostro consiglio per una situazione dei Discus, fin dal primo giorno rifiuta ogni forma di mangime granulare (provati tutti) vuole solo artemia dalla mia mano!  Ho necessità di abituarlo come il gruppo a mangiare anche altro, sto valutando di dare solo il cibo che gli altri mangiano regolarmente (artemia, granulare all'aglio, spirulina + vitamine, original stendker granulato, askoll diet blu/rosso ..ecc..) e vedere se dopo qualche giorno di digiuno cede.  Cosa ne pensate? quanti giorni può stare senza cibo senza rischiare la salute? Inoltre due volte alla settimana doso Seachem Discus Trace perchè ho paura che mangiando solo artemia (imbevuta con vitamine o aglio) non abbia tutte le sostanze nutritive necessarie.  Spero mi possiate aiutare, grazie Giovanna 
    • Gattosilvestro
      Con la scusa vi mostra la coppia 😁
    • Gattosilvestro
      Allora spiego un po meglio la situazione  comprai 2anni fa circa 3 discus gia grandi di cui si era gia formata una coppia  li separai in acquario di comunita e anda tutto bene i piccoli dischi sono arrivati alla grandezza di un centesimo€ spostati in altra vasca piano piano sono morti tutti.decido di prendere un cubo solo per la coppia laddove hanno continuato a deporre moltissime volte ma senza risultati poi ho pensato di cambiare maschio (quello attuale) e depongono 1 volta a settimana dopo un po di mesi spoto tutto in acquari di comunita separati cn una reta e la trafila continua senza esito positivo  ora invece avendo a diposizione un 30o litri li ho spostati li dove la trafila continua puntuale ogni 7/10gg  stavo pensando di ricambiare maschio dato che con quello 1 volta era andata a buon fine  poi qualcuno sa dirmi che valori devo usare per far riposare la femmina che credo si stremata dalle continue covate spero do essere stato chioro e di non essermi dilungato saluti
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