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Brazilian Wil Discus Pictures


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Dear All discus lovers.


i will show in this new post some pictures about the real wild discus with high quality

all these fish were in quarantine for 03 months before they be sent to the customers , and with that we obtain a superior quality in the wild Discus market













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Hello, Hekdiscus.

I cannot say that there is a picture with some "bad" form, and every discus look so stunning...

Discus Blue (S. haraldi), many of them promising to become sa fully-striped form discus (royal blue), and some of them are with a heckel-like vertical central bar.

What to say? Can you in some way indicate the region of those fishes? The color is still growing, and one or two look like the Red Iça or cuipeuà, with the only problem that they still have to spend more time and feel more "home".

Congrats, BTW, nice way from your side to say "Hi" :goodjob:

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Cavolo mi ero confuso totalmente bellissimi discus!!!!!complimenti!!!

Io ti ho come amico su facebook e li ho visti sulle ue gallery davvero dei pesci stupendi!!!!!

Edited by Astro
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Hello, Hekdiscus.

I cannot say that there is a picture with some "bad" form, and every discus look so stunning...

Discus Blue (S. haraldi), many of them promising to become sa fully-striped form discus (royal blue), and some of them are with a heckel-like vertical central bar.

What to say? Can you in some way indicate the region of those fishes? The color is still growing, and one or two look like the Red Iça or cuipeuà, with the only problem that they still have to spend more time and feel more "home".

Congrats, BTW, nice way from your side to say "Hi" :goodjob:


Dear Tatore and all italy discus lovers.



Thank you for they allow this space for popularization, I want to bring the true information on the fishing of these fish in the Amazonian and to show all of the varieties that we got to fish annually. 


The discus of the initial pictures, were fished at the name place Curua. 

these fish are marketed with the name of red curua or red cuipeua and the cuipeua city only has a small lake with fish of different format and many sell the red discus of Curua with the name of Red cuipeua, that is not true, we didn't deceive the people and we told the truth to sell telling the truth and, showing the correct places I will post pictures of this place 


abou the 5th heckel barr , some red discus from this place have the big center bar same iça type , i make new pictures and video today to show this magnify discus type.

see the new pictures











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Cavolo mi ero confuso totalmente bellissimi discus!!!!!complimenti!!!

Io ti ho come amico su facebook e li ho visti sulle ue gallery davvero dei pesci stupendi!!!!!


Hello , thank you for your comments.


Thank you.



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Hello, Hekdiscus.

I cannot say that there is a picture with some "bad" form, and every discus look so stunning...

Discus Blue (S. haraldi), many of them promising to become sa fully-striped form discus (royal blue), and some of them are with a heckel-like vertical central bar.

What to say? Can you in some way indicate the region of those fishes? The color is still growing, and one or two look like the Red Iça or cuipeuà, with the only problem that they still have to spend more time and feel more "home".

Congrats, BTW, nice way from your side to say "Hi" :goodjob:


Dear Tatore and all italy discus lovers.



Thank you for they allow this space for popularization, I want to bring the true information on the fishing of these fish in the Amazonian and to show all of the varieties that we got to fish annually. 


The discus of the initial pictures, were fished at the name place Curua. 

these fish are marketed with the name of red curua or red cuipeua and the cuipeua city only has a small lake with fish of different format and many sell the red discus of Curua with the name of Red cuipeua, that is not true, we didn't deceive the people and we told the truth to sell telling the truth and, showing the correct places I will post pictures of this place 


abou the 5th heckel barr , some red discus from this place have the big center bar same iça type , i make new pictures and video today to show this magnify discus type.

see the new pictures










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Dear friends.


i use the videos to show my wilds discus

see the video link below:




Thank you



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posso dire delle bestemmie ? p..ca p.. na eva !!! non e giusto !!! :notfair: ho sentito la Notizia per telefono e mi sono sbrigato a accendere il computer. che posso dire ?: sono pazzeschi , favolosi, meravigliosi e de le parole come queste ci sono ancora . pero il nostro amico ha il aso nella manica. non ha problemi di trovare questi pesci, e ne anche problemi dell'acqua.

i miei vivissimi complimenti Hudson !!! :goodjob:


se qualcuno vole tradurre , non vorrei fare la figura :042: . già sto sbavando




May I say some bad word *èìéà-.flèhèh-y--!!!! It isn't correct!!! Too beautiful!! I've heard the news of the pictures via phone, and immediately turned on the PC to check the pics...stunning, wonderful, and from my mouth only words like those.

you're lucky as you don't need to search too long for discus and right water, the greatest congratulations, Hudson.

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Non è roba che si vede tutti i giorni....

..decisamente no..



La vera sfida nasce con gli esemplari Blu (S. haraldi), perché sono quelli che "sbocciano" in vasca. Ed è l'allevatore/appassionato che deve dare il meglio di se con questi animali. Non si vedono proprio comunque striati così di cattura tutti i giorni, bisogna fare svariati kilometri e avere un paio di violoni in tasca..insomma esemplari per veri estimatori.

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